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Final Issue (2011): Radical Psychology Journal!



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The Radical Psychology Network seeks like-minded psychologists and others to help create a society better able to meet human needs and bring about social justice. We want to change society's unacceptable status quo and bring about a better world.

And we want to change the status quo of psychology, too. We challenge psychology's traditional focus on minor reform, because enhancing human welfare demands fundamental social change instead. Moreover, psychology itself has too often oppressed people rather than liberated them.

RadPsyNet began as a membership organization in 1993 when two dozen people attended a conversation hour at an American Psychological Association convention. The topic, proposed by Dennis Fox and Isaac Prilleltensky, was simple: "Will Psychology Pay Attention to its Own Radical Critics?" Within a decade we had more than 500 members in over three dozen countries -- psychologists & nonpsychologists, academics & practitioners, faculty & students, therapists & consumers-survivors. Many call themselves "radicals," or "critical psychologists," or "progressives." We don't demand a single definition. But we do share the goals noted above.

Today we no longer have a formal membership process, and other projects have come and gone, including our online journal Radical Psychology, which published for ten years until its final issue in 2011 (all issues remain online). We're always open to new participants bringing new energy for new projects!

Our primary ongoing project today is our active E-mail Discussion List.

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Join RadPsyNet: Subscribe to Email Discussion List

In our moderated email discussion group, members discuss research ideas, student and academic challenges and opportunities, political action projects, conference planning and follow-up, and other items of mutual interest.

The easiest way to join the RadPsyNet-Members List is to send a blank email.

But a much better way is to register online. Once registered at the discussion group site (now hosted by YahooGroups), you can:

Once subscribed, you send email to the group to this address: RadPsyNet-Members@yahoogroups.com

Problems subscribing? Contact the discussion moderator.

Have a website to add to the list of Member Websites? Contact the webmaster.

Original Email Discussion

RadPsyNet's less-active but original discussion list emphasizes open-ended, unmoderated discussion.

To join, email the message: join radical-psychology-network Your Name

to this address: jiscmail@jiscmail.ac.uk

Once subscribed, email your postings to radical-psychology-network@jiscmail.ac.uk

Browse the original list's archives - Search the archives


Dennis Fox, Co-Founder, Archivist, Webmaster      personal website

email: radpsy [AT] radpsynet (and then) .org

Emeritus Associate Professor of Legal Studies & Psychology
University of Illinois at Springfield
Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts

Roberta F. Sprague, Discussion Group Co-Moderator

email: rsprague [AT] anewdayforall (and then) .org

Executive Director, A New Day, Inc., Battle Creek, MI

Joseph H. Gardella, Discussion Group Co-Moderator

email: joseph.h.gardella [AT] vanderbilt (and then) .edu

Updated 25 August 2012
RadPsyNet: http://www.radpsynet.org